Get in-depth insights of automotive and mobility sectors with OVIN’s reports.
Reports on Skills and Talent
Introduction to Spotlights on Skills & Competencies – CAV
The fast-paced development of connected and autonomous vehicles (C/AVs) requires a new generation of diverse talent with a broader mix of skills, training and experience to research, design, test and deliver prototypes and solutions. Driven by insights from industry executives and primary research on labour market data, this booklet highlights some of the technical knowledge areas and tools as well as non-technical skills and abilities that are currently in-demand or forecasted to be in-demand for the C/AV industry.
Source: Autonomous Vehicle Innovation Network (AVIN)
February 26, 2021
Spotlights on Skills & Competencies – Automotive and Parts Manufacturing
Ontario’s automotive production industry employs over 160,800 workers across a wide range of occupations. These occupations cover vehicle assembly, parts manufacturing and other supporting jobs related to material, metal and electronics production. This booklet highlights some of the skills that are currently in-demand or forecasted to be in-demand by the industry. It is driven by insights from industry executives, primary research on labour market data and considering the growth and advancement of Ontario’s automotive and parts manufacturing industry.
Source: Autonomous Vehicle Innovation Network (AVIN)
July 29, 2021
Smart Mobility & the Future of Transportation Planning Careers
As technological advances and new modes of mobility continue to emerge over the next decade, transportation can improve; in its safety, efficiency, affordability and overall accessibility. The evolution in mobility is resulting in changes to job structures and requirements; current and emerging. In this report, we highlight some of the trends and societal needs driving the transition in mobility offerings, how emerging technologies are responding to these trends and needs, and their influence on the future of transportation planning careers.
Source: Autonomous Vehicle Innovation Network (AVIN)
April 29, 2021
Workforce Skills and Talent for the Future Mobility Era
This report focuses on delineating the workforce skills needed in the future mobility era as well as tactical solutions to fill the talent gaps.
Source: Autonomous Vehicle Innovation Network (AVIN)
January 17, 2020
Unlike Cars, Microcredentials Won’t Drive Themselves
Microcredentials are a form of focused learning with the potential to respond to both the modern hiring needs of employers and the training needs of adults looking to advance or pivot in the labour market. At HEQCO, we define them as being tied to short learning opportunities that are focused on a discrete set of skills, knowledge or attributes. They provide more targeted training than traditional degrees, certificates and diplomas.
Source: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
September 10, 2021
Reports on Automotive and Smart Mobility
Ontario C/AV Ecosystem
This report describes key industry trends in Ontario and globally, and shows how Ontario can continue to enhance its strength in the CAV sector.
Source: Autonomous Vehicle Innovation Network (AVIN)
June 28, 2019
Leading the Future of Goods Movement
This report delineates the various trends driving change in how goods move. It also focuses on discussing the major transformations that we are seeing in all industries related to goods movement including logistics, freight, trucking, warehousing, and last-mile delivery. Furthermore, it highlights some of the substantial opportunities that are brought to the industry players and consumers by these various transformations.
Source: Autonomous Vehicle Innovation Network (AVIN)
September 29, 2020
Cybersecurity for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
Focusing on cybersecurity for connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs), the report identifies key areas for consideration and avenues for growth and development.
Source: Autonomous Vehicle Innovation Network (AVIN)
September 9, 2019
Introduction to Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure
In this report, we highlight the different types of electric vehicles and their charging infrastructure technologies. We also discuss the major benefits of adopting EVs for both the vehicle owner and the environment, and touch upon the current market dynamics of EV adoption globally and in Canada.
Source: Autonomous Vehicle Innovation Network (AVIN)
June 30, 2021
The Future of Transit
This report discusses the major transformations that have started to reshape the present and future of public and private transit.
Source: Autonomous Vehicle Innovation Network (AVIN)
August 19, 2020