Labour Market Insights (LMI)

These Labour Market Insights (LMI) provide an overview of the supply and demand of talent and skills across Ontario’s automotive and mobility sector. These insights can help you to gain a data-driven understanding of the industry and help you to understand how to equip for a career in the sector. 

Specifically, you can find data that addresses:  

Understand the industry and its various opportunities



Auto & Parts Manufacturing

Aftermarket Maintenance & Repair

Freight & Goods Movement

Mobility, Planning & Infrastructure

Tool, Die & Mold

Connected & Autonomous Vehicles

Note: Some charts below have data available for only 5 segments.

How big is the automotive and mobility industry in Ontario?



The automotive and mobility sector has been in a process of expansion, having employed more than 700,000 people over the years, and is constantly adding new jobs every year.

Take a look at which segments have had the most jobs added, in the diagram below. Hover over the diagram below to learn more.

For better experinece view the page on a larger screen.

Source: Statistics Canada (Census 2016), LMIC, Labour Force Survey (LFS), Postsecondary Student Information System, EY Analysis. See note 1.

How diverse is each segment of the sector?

For definitions of visible and non-visible minorities, please visit

Racialized Groups Diversity

Gender Diversity

Indigenous Community Diversity

For definitions of visible and non-visible minorities, please visit . Source: Statistics Canada (Census 2016), PSIS and RAIS. This data is sourced from Statistics Canada’s latest Census from 2016. New data is expected to be available by end of census cycle in 2021. Until more recent data is available, 2016 census data is considered the most reliable source available for the representation of diversity in Ontario’s industries and occupations.

OVIN aims to improve equity, diversity, and inclusion across all sector segments through its Talent Strategy & Roadmap.

Supply & Demand of Skills in Ontario

What soft skills do job applicants bring to the table?

Supply chart source: Vicinity Jobs. See note 3. Demand chart source: LMIC, O*NET, EY. See note 4.

What top technical skills do job applicants bring to the table?

Supply chart source: Vicinity Jobs, EY. See note 5. Demand chart source: LMIC, O*NET, EY. See note 6.

Prepare for the future

Talent Supply Gap

This number quantifies the gap in talent supply and demand from 2021 to 2030. The occupation needs more talent if the number is large.

Talent Supply Gap in Sector Occupations

Source: Statistics Canada (Labour Force Survey), EY. See note 7.

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1The job listings database are linked to occupations associated with the segment but do not include and industry component (i.e. total employment numbers for some occupations are not exclusive of the automotive and mobility sector). Data covers the period between January 2018 and January 2021. Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labour market, data during this period negatively skewed the overall demand estimates. Data excludes Connected & Autonomous Vehicles (C/AV) segment.

2This data is sourced from Statistics Canada’s latest Census from 2016. New data is expected to be available by end of census cycle in 2021. Until more recent data is available, 2016 census data is considered the most reliable source available for the representation of diversity in Ontario’s industries and occupations.

3The job listings database are linked to occupations associated with the segment but do not include and industry component (i.e. total employment numbers for some occupations are not exclusive of the automotive and mobility sector). Data covers the period between January 2018 and January 2021. Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labour market, data during this period negatively skewed the overall demand estimates. Data excludes Connected & Autonomous Vehicles (C/AV) segment.

4The job listings database are linked to occupations associated with the segment but do not include and industry component (i.e. total employment numbers for some occupations are not exclusive of the automotive and mobility sector). Data covers the period between January 2018 and January 2021. Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labour market, data during this period negatively skewed the overall demand estimates. Data excludes Connected & Autonomous Vehicles (C/AV) segment.

5Skill analysis was limited by data availability and completeness. Skill supply outlooks could not be provided for some occupation groups in some segments where there were gaps in terms of job seeker profiles. Data excludes Connected & Autonomous Vehicles (C/AV) segment.

6Skill analysis was limited by data availability and completeness. Skill demand outlooks could not be provided for some occupation groups in some segments where there were gaps in terms of job listings or O*NET data. “New” skills that are not related to occupations in the present could not be identified. Data from a jurisdictional scan and industry survey were used to complement the analysis by providing examples of these skill. Data excludes Connected & Autonomous Vehicles (C/AV) segment.

7Data excludes Connected & Autonomous Vehicles (C/AV) segment.